It's that time again...the dreaded potty training. Grace seemed to get the handle on it pretty quick, but Gabe is really not that interested. My mom was visiting a couple of weeks ago, and like she did with Grace, she just started putting Gabe on the little potty even though he didn't want too (which is what I needed with both kids....I do not look forward to potty training!) He has sat on the potty before, and did pee in it once, but he didn't even realize he had peed until he stood up. So before bed one night, my mom got out the potty and plopped him on it. My mom, Grace and I were all sitting around him for support, which he seemed to like. So we waited, and cheered him on, and waited, until at last, the trickle! This is the best sound to hear when you're potty training! He didn't pee long because I think it felt funny to him...he giggled and giggled when it came out! We cheered and cheered and did the potty dance and he was so proud! End of story? Of course not, we're just getting started! After the first initial trickle, he had a longer stream, giggled again, and then stopped peeing. I thought...hmm, he's doing great! My mom asked him then, "are you done?" and Gabe said "Mope (this is how he says no...(mo) more pee!" So we were thinking, yeah yeah, I'm sure he's done. But not long after he said that, he indeed peed again! I don't think he would fully let it all out...just a little at a time. So we cheered again, and did the potty dance, and thought, ok, now he's done. Mope. "More pee" he says. Now at this time, it had been about 10 minutes, so how could he possibly have more pee in there? Well folks...this is no joke. He peed and stopped and peed and stopped for.....wait for it..... 45 minutes!!! Not kidding! It was one of the most amazing/hilarious/confusing/proud moments! After the first 10 minutes, we just thought he was kidding when he would say "more pee," but alas, more pee would come out. At about 20 minutes into the pee, my mom and I started giggling uncontrollably every time he would start peeing again because seriously, who pees this long? I kept having these images of Tom Hanks in the movie "A League of their own" when he proceeded to pee for probably a minute and a half straight, and just when you thought he was done, more would come out. In our state o f shock, my mom and I started to say these crazy things like "Is he going to be dehydrated when he's done? Will we have to take him to the doctor? Is his head going to be smaller afterwards?" (which wouldn't be that bad of a thing since both my kids have huge heads. They really do.) Seriously, where is all this pee coming from? At about 30 minutes into the pee I was practically on the floor belly laughing every time he would pee again. I honestly did not know what think! My mouth was pretty much on the floor at this point. My mom took Grace in the kitchen at this point, and every time he would go again, I would yell to her, "Mom, he's peeing again...what the heck?" And then we would proceed to giggle again like little kids. All this time Gabe was beaming. Finally, we asked him one last time if he was done, in which he then said, "yep" and got off the potty and walked in the other room. We were all exhausted. My mom turns to look at me and said "I have never seen anything like it!" And she raised 4 kids! Oh, and mom, I'm expecting you to verify this story so people know I'm not lying!! So I did what every mother would do in this situation. I measured the amount of pee in the potty. I know, I know, gross right? But I didn't care, I had to know! So in 45 minutes of peeing, he had peed a little more than 3/4th's of a cup! Now, that might not be a lot for us adults, but for a 2 year old? I mean, are you guys amazed too, or is it just me and my mom??! Please, I'm curious!?
Wow...I'm exhausted just writing this and reliving it. So this might be a little too much for some people to read, but I just had to write about it because it was so hysterical!
With all of that said....he hasn't gotten on the potty since.